Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Possible New Year's Resolutions

Okay. I say possible because I haven't decided yet which ones I will choose to do. The first, always being about weight, SHOULD be the first on my list, but it's not. I say should be, because after all of the butter that I used for my holiday baking, any normal person would be concerned. I am not.

(This is only from one day of baking. I baked for 4 days. You do the math.)

My second choice is to give a try at art journaling. It is something I have been interested in for a while now, but I can't draw, so we will see.

Next, is to choose a word for 2010 (as seen here), and actually apply it to my life.

Another option will be to blog more and put my art out where more people can see it. This is hard for me as I am a really private person. The most I ever share is what you read here. And that is not much.

One that I know I will stick with is to cook one new meal out of a cookbook per month. My husband and I cook together, so this is one that we are both looking forward to.

I want to read more, take more time for myself without feeling guilty, and just learn to relax. I have a hard time with that last one.

There are more that I am thinking of, but this will do for now. For the most part, I just want me and my family to be happy, healthy, and enjoy life. If that is all that I accomplish in 2010, then that is okay by me.

Happy New Year!


Robyn Schaub said...

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only who has used a ton of butter in the last week! I love your resolutions. I don't really make them, but I do love the idea of "the word." I might be able to handle that.

Kimmarie Baker said...

Mrs Butterton, No need to worry. I think eveyone is feeling guilty after the baking this holiday season. lol Just enjoy life as much as possible and try new things when you have time. Happy New Year!

mborrero said...

wow you can say Butter! I am allergic to that stuff.